Want to contact us?


- Do I need to sign up for the tour?

You don't need to sign up. Just show up!

- What is the planning for next month/the following months?

The planning for next month will be published online at the end of the previous month. We publish it as soon as we know, so there’s no need to ask us about it. If the website doesn’t know it yet, we don’t either :) We’ll always try to schedule as many as we can, but we can’t do them daily.

- How long is a tour?

A tour typically takes from one hour an a half to two hours.

- Where does the tour start?

The tour starts at at the main station square, under the monumental archway right next to the KKL. Don't be shy, ask people around you if you can't find us!

- There is no time listed on the calendar. What do I do?

If a day from our calendar is blank, that means there’s unfortunately no tour scheduled fort that day.

- Is there an option to book a private tour?

Yes, check Private Tours to find out more.

- Is there an option to leave a tip via mobile pay/credit card?

At the moment we can only accept cash tips as there are specific apps most commonly used for mobile pay within Switzerland.

- The weather does not look good, is there a tour?

The tour will take place, rain or shine. The tour will only be canceled in case of extreme weather conditions (and by extreme, we mean extreme for Lucerne ;-) ) and that will be announced clearly on the homepage.

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